Thursday 11 June 2015

Killing of 117 Million women ,Gendercide, How sad

Gendercide is the killing of women on the basis of gender. Research (Dr Amritaseen) shows that 117 million women are hunted by gendercide in the world, particularly in the Asia and Africa. Gendrcide or gender based killing of the women is effecting the balance of human population in the world. It is necessary to maintain the population balance. We should save the natural increase in the women population. It is gendercide through which women are dying from the world. I am affording of how can we do this, we are killing a women even when we, the men, are nothing  without women. Women are mothers, are a sisters, are wives, are companion of joy and sorrow, in my view this world is beautiful just due to the presence of women because without women men are impossible.with out balance in the human population (male and female) we can not ensure democracy in the world.due to gendercide female population is low then the population of male in china and in some part of India,  and in African countries.

There is need to change the mindset about women there is need to change the behavior of the men about the women that men and women are equal, this is the women which grows up the men, which feeds the men in childhood, this is the women which educates first time to her baby without discrimination of gender.

Gendercide is mostly in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, in African countries and in a few European countries like Albania etc. if we see on continent basses we see gendercide is mostly in Asia and then Africa and least in Europe and America. On the basis of economy gendercide is in poor families, in the middle class and least in the upper class. Mostly in India and in African countries where rape of women is fashion particularly in India the condition of women is very bad, women are in miserable condition in India. Indian nation is on top for unsafely and rap of women.  

Causes of gendercide:- there are many causes of gendercide some of them are as under
(1) Low literacy or illiteracy of the women.
(2) Ignorance or unimplementation of Law or rules.
(3) Deficiency of women protection laws.
(4) Religious ignorance.
(5) Karokari (murder on honor bases).
(6) Vini.
(7) Male dominance traditions.
(8) Jahaaz.
(9) One chilled policy of China..
(10) Economic imbalance.

(1) Low literacy or illiteracy of the women. 
low literacy or illiteracy is the man cause of Gendercide in the world the regions in which the literacy or education rate is low there women killing or women rape rate is much higher then the regions where the literacy rate is higher. so if we want to save the women we should educate our population particularly in India ,Pakistan China and in African countries
(2) Ignorance or implementation of Law or rules.
Gendercide is also due to the ignorance or unimplementation of law or rules. the is the duty of governments to implement the laws about women protection and to make sure the security of the women.

(3) Deficiency of women protection laws.
There is need to introduce the laws and rules to protect the women in regions where there are no laws or deficient laws are for women this is also the duty of governments to make the legislation for the protection of women for this we have to change the behavior of the parliamentarians and aware them about the women gendercide for this we can get help from UN. 
(4) Religious ignorance.
Some religions are not giving rights to  women for example hinduism does not allows the women to live after the death of there husband and she have to burn with the husband funril or dead body this tradition is known as sati. in christian-ism the right of divorce is not allowed, and in Islam there are some restrictions on the women. there is need to guide the religious on modern values to to protect the women and teach them the equality of women.
(5) Karokari (murder on honor bases).
Karo kari is also a tradition in Pakistan and India , in this tradition women which are found in love or lkeing affairs to a man they are liable to kill. they have no right to love or like to a man and same case is with men in these regions but this tradition implies only on the poor not on the rich or ruling peoples or families. 
(6) Vini.
this is also a tradition in India and Pakistan. in this the women or small girls are married with men with high age with out the consent of the girls if the girls resist they should be killed. there is need to make laws for the pro-habitation of the VINI in India and Pakistan.
(7)  Male dominance traditions.
3rd world is male dominant world were the decisions power is mostly in the hands of man there is need to make laws for the equality of women and there should be quota of women on 50-50 basis in Governament department and private departments and also in the Assembly or parliaments.
(8) Jahaaz.
Jahaz is the property which a women gets from parents at the movement of her marriage. some peoples which are rich they gives much things to their daughters at the movement of marriage but some poor peoples can not give much Jahaz to their daughters, and families in Law or families of their husband and even their husbands kill only because of small amount of jahaz
(9) One chilled policy of China.
One child policy of China is also a cause of Gendercide, many women are killed in embryo stage in result of abortion. because the peoples think that boys are source of income and girls are not so they gives birth only to boys and kills the girls before their birth.
(10) Economic imbalance
economic imbalance is also a cause of female death or gendercide. their is need to strengthening the women on economic bass and make them equal to the men. 

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