Friday 29 May 2015

Sinking United States and rising Asia, rising China

Sinking United States and rising Asia, rising China
Once upon a time, the world was bipolar (in view of power) when the super power was Russia and his competitor was only America, then started cold war, but united states was the only country which was competing Russia these were like two Polar bears which were struggling to get the Kingston chair of the world. Russia collapsed after striking with the mountains of Afghanistan when he was trying to reach on the hot waters of Pakistani coastal areas, this was the real time when US take the right decision to sink the Russia in the Afghanistan  by the help of Pakistan, infect US planed well and succeeded in this war, Russia collapsed in many pieces, result was that the world become unipolar, and bipolar world then become the  part of past history. We know that history repeats itself, it looks that time has reached to repeat the history and now it is the tern of US to sink, and she is sinking,  and  Asia is raising in the leader ship of china, Asia has more than 1/3rd human population lives in Asia and more the two billion people lives only in China and India and near about more than 3 billion peoples are living in the Asia.
 The power of rule is also shifting towards the China and via china to its friends. If we compare the economy of china and America it clearly shows the now economic super power  is china not the America.
United states of America
$17.710 trillion (2015)
$10.36 trillion (nominal; 2014 est.)
$17.63 trillion (PPP; 2014.)
GDP rank
1st (nominal) / 1st (PPP)
GDP rank
2nd (nominal) / 1st (PPP) (2014)
GDP growth
2.4% (2014)
GDP growth
9.5% (nominal; 2013)
7.4% (real; 2014)
GDP per capita
$54,710 (2014)
9th (nominal) / 10th (PPP)
GDP per capita
$8,211 (nominal; 82nd; 2014)
$13,992 (PPP; 89th; 2014)
GDP by sector
Agriculture: 1.2%
Industry: 19%
Services: 80%
GDP by sector
agriculture: 9.2%,
 industry: 42.6%,
 services: 48.2% (2014)
Inflation (CPI)
1.7% (October 2014)
Inflation (CPI)
2.0% (2014)
Population below poverty line
14.5% (2013)
Population below poverty
6.1% (2013)
Gini coefficient
.38 (2013)
Gini coefficient
0.469 (2014)
Labor force
156 million (8.6 mil. unemployed)
Labor force
787.6 million (1st; 2012)
Labor force by occupation
Farming, Forestry, and Fishing: 0.7%
Manufacturing, Extraction, Transportation, and Crafts: 12% Managerial, Professional, and
Technical: 38% Sales and Office: 23%
Installation and Maintenance: 3.3%
Other Services: 23% (June 2014)
[note: figures exclude the unemployed]
Labor force by occupation
Agriculture: 36.7%, industry: 28.7%,
services: 34.6% (2008 est.)
5.4% (April 2015)
4.1% (Q2 2014)
Main industries
petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunication ,chemicals, arms industry, electronics, food processing, consumer goods ,lumber, mining
Main industries
mining and ore processing, iron, steel, aluminum, and other metals, coal; machine building; armaments; textiles and apparel; petroleum; cement; chemicals; fertilizers; consumer products, including footwear, toys, and electronics; food processing; transportation equipment, including automobiles, rail cars and locomotives, ships, and aircraft; telecommunications equipment, commercial space launch vehicles, satellites

The above data shows that china is pushing dawn the United States in every field. Infect china is acting upon one china one corridor  policy. China is going to direct invest  47 billion (historically  not seen before) in Pakistan to extend the silk root Gawadar and then o the central Asia.
This root may also become helpful for Russia to reach to the gawader port for trade throughout the year . this investment also shows that china is more reliable for Pakistan like countries than America. and these countries are bending toward china.

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