Wednesday 6 May 2015

Seven steps to become unique and attractive (Most beautiful)

Seven steps to become unique and attractive (Most beautiful)
This is the natural desire oh men and women that they should be looked unique and most beautiful among others, but unfortunately all men and women are not gorgeous by nature. Anyhow there are some tips by using these tips you may become more gorgeous then natural and your personality may become more and more attractive. Any one may use these beauty tips during the interview, or at any other occasion like social parties
1-      Be clean and well dressed
2-      Show smile on your face
3-      Behave socially to all
4-      Properly comb your hairs
5-      Cut your nails in circular form
6-      Eat fresh and sessional fruits
7-      Prefer to eat vegetables (take balance diet)

Be clean and well dressed.
This is famous that first impression is the last impression, if you will be clean with proper dress everyone will like you and will want to be your friend and this make you more and more popular among the friends and society. So for this change your dress every day and properly select the dress according the level of meeting or parity, which, you are going to attend.
Show smile on your face.
Smiling faces always attract other persons if u want to be popular among the peoples always have a light smile on your face this will show that you are a happily and nice behaving personality this will make you famous among the girls as well as boys
Behave socially to all.
Your behavior should be social to all the girls and boys males and females it means the every action and reaction to others should be polite and according the situation.
Properly comb your hairs.
Hairs makes your personality, you should careful about hairs, always shampoo your hairs, at night polish your hairs with olive oil or any other oil for hairs
Cut your nails in circular form.

Nails show your personality curativeness about health, method of your nail cutting is very important so if you are curative, attractive and beautiful and want be become unique then you should always be careful about the nails these should be cut in circular shape and nails should be clean
Eat fresh and sessional fruits.
For maintaining your health you have to use the sessional fruits in sufficient amount.
Prefer to eat vegetables (take balance diet).
Always careful about your diet, you have to take balance diet. Your daily diet may include vegetables, cereals and meat

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