Sunday 19 July 2015

Nuclear war game is near to start by Rascal states of the world

5 6 7There are nine countries in the world which have Nuclear weapons, by misfortune these nuclear weapons holding countries are mostly enemy of each other and remains hardy to each other in one another manner these states are Russia with 8484 nuclear weapons, United state of  America (US) with 7506 weapons France with 300 nuclear weapons, United Kingdom with 225 nuclear bombs, China 250, Pakistan with 110 nuclear bombs, India 100, Israel with 200, North Korea with 10 nuclear bombs.  Total nuclear bombs are near about 17000 nuclear weapons. The relations between these states are not very good particularly betwean the USA and Russia, between Pakistan and China, between China and America, America is the biggest rascal state on the earth his are shake with blood of Japanese, which were killed brutal manner when USA fired the Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshima and Naga Saki, all other states yet not have used the Nuclear weapons.
There is need to decouple the military of these nuclear state, and nuclear weapons should declined from these states. In this regard I feel no hesitation to say the nuclear nonproliferation treaty should be empowered and strengthen, in near past held conference of these member countries of NPT, in which member countries reaffirmed to reduce the risk of using nuclear weapons.
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The states like USA and Russia should behave more responsibly, than other states but in my view this time nuclear war risk is increasing day by day between Pakistan and India. These two states are in state of war from date of their origin. India by heart is against Pakistan, there are many disputes between these two Asian countries like, sir creek, Manaodar and Junagar, Dispute of Kashmir, and most alarming and emerging issue is the water. The water that flows on the chest of Pakistan comes from Kashmir and most part of this river water is starting from Indian Kashmir. India is constructing more then dozens of Dams on these rivers. India and Pakistan has these wars on these issues and the liberation of Kashmir. At the movement the Indian prim minster is a rascal man which is killer of hundreds of thousands of muslims in hadrabad and Gujarat he is the killer of not only Muslins but also the hiller of other minorities. He has not good relations with china and in his period more then twice China and Indian  army become face to face in Hamachil perdash lidakh and tidbit area and Indian army is defeated. I think the Indian Pm is Hindu fundamentalist, adventures person, which worships idols, he prepares idols himself and after creating Idols he worships them. He even is unable to understand that how these idols can help hem which are them self stone or matle, so this ghost person is a risk for the whole world commonly and risk for Pakistan and china particularly. I think India is a rogue state and his  PM  is a rascal man armed with  nuclear weapons there is need to dewaponise India to reduce risk of nuclear adventure from the earth. 1fore more details please visit

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